Chapter 3.46 Long Time

“Oh, hey.”


“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I know it may not feel that long but I guess it’s been quite a while, huh?”



“I bet you probably hate me for how long it’s been. I am sorry for that. I really didn’t mean for this to happen, like I didn’t want this to happen! I just…Things have been manic for me these past few years.”



“Not a bad manic! No, no. No, no, no. No, in fact, I think these past few years have been the best few years of my life. I don’t wanna sound all cheesy and crap, leave that to the husband,”


“Oh come on, we both know you’re cheesy as fuck. Deal with it.”



“Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, it’s been a good few years. Wait, what? You seem surprised at… Oh! That’s right. You don’t know, do you? I guess it really has been a long time, hasn’t it? I guess I better start explaining myself.”



“So, yeah. Me and Nick are married. We’ve not been married all too long actually, only about six months now, I think? Yeah, about six months. But, that’s kinda telling you the latest thing, or second latest thing, that’s happened. It’ll make more sense if I go from the start.”



“First of all, we finally got a cat together. Her name’s Luna and she’s a rescue. It’s a funny story actually, she ended up being an accidental birthday present. Nick didn’t know what to get me, and he found Luna in a box abandoned by someone when she was only a few weeks old. One of her legs wasn’t in a very good state so she had to have it amputated, but she’s still fine. She’s still a sweet cat. Well, I say sweet but she’s pretty stubborn and bossy, but hey. But yeah, he found her on my birthday and he was at the vet’s with her for quite a while so he was pretty late and we had dinner reservations. I was so ready to yell at him for being late, but then he showed me this tiny, tiny kitten and you know, you can’t stay angry in those circumstances.”


“We’ve got another cat now as well, Jinx. She’s a rescue too, also missing one of her legs. I’ve mentioned often that we should get another cat so the girls don’t get confused and think that cats only have three legs, but I guess for now we’ll stick with our two cats. Well, I’ve tried to convince Nick, but he seems pretty sure on only having two cats. We’ll probably have three sooner or later, I’m very persuasive.”



“Anyway, I’m going off topic. We only got Jinx very recently, in the last few months. Soon after getting Luna, I found out that I was pregnant with our daughter, Aisling. She’s about three now and I can already tell she’s going to be a smart one. Probably got that from my mom and dad, skipped a generation or something because she didn’t get it from either me or Nick. It was kind of weird having a baby so soon into our relationship, I mean Nick and I had only been dating for about a year before we found out about her, and so that was kinda tricky but hey. We’re a strong team together.”



“Well, I guess we’ve been raising kids together from the start, haven’t we? So, I guess another isn’t…” “Anyway. Aisling. Yeah, she’s great. I love her to pieces. She’s so smart and so curious about everything. It’s fun watching the kids develop and seeing the people they turn out to be. Roisin’s really taken a liking for art. I’ll often catch her drawing, and sometimes Nick’ll help her out if she can’t draw something right. Lainey’s really sporty. She goes ice skating, she’s on a baseball team, she’s on a soccer team, she’s so active and just loves almost every kind of sport.”



“I uhm, I see Juniper… Too. Sometimes, not too often. I-I don’t want to intrude, but yeah. I still see her kinda often. She looks a lot like me…”



“Me and Nick got engaged shortly after Aisling was born, and we’ve moved place too. We’ve got a proper house now, not just my flat. It was a bit cramped, five of us in a three bedroom flat. Roisin and Lainey are still sharing their room. There is another room, and Roisin was in it for a while, but Lainey wanted bunk beds and Roisin mostly sleeps in Lainey’s room with her. It’s sweet how close they are, but I do worry that Aisling’s going to feel somewhat left out. I know they won’t ever do that, but I still worry.”



“I still see Sarah, and she comes over sometimes with Joe and her little girl Alice. It’s kinda weird hearing the name Alice on a regular basis, after all, that was Sam’s mom’s name. But yeah, Roisin and Joe are still really close. Me and Sarah often joke about Roisin and Joe getting married one day. I wouldn’t be surprised, I’ve seen things about it.”



“And, just to put forward, but aboutΒ that thing you know, to do with my past life? No development, thankfully. Although I’ve seen rather… Scary things, nothing has come from it.”



“So, yeah. We got married about six months ago, and we got Jinx. Everything’s good. Everything’s happy and everything’s fine. For probably the first time in a long time, everything’s been fine. I, uhm, there’s actually something I kinda wanted to mention. I mean, it’s okay now to tell people. It just feels kinda, I dunno. I’m not quite used to telling people still, I’ve only been able to tell people for a short time now.”



“So, I’ve been working at a restaurant for a while now, general manager, and the owners bought this new place and I’m taking over that one, and they wanted me to have quite a large say in how it was decorated and stuff, so that’s kind of been like my baby for a while, I’ve been overseeing a lot of the development, but I won’t really be able to spend too much time there unfortunately because of another project, another thing for me to oversea and be in charge of. Another baby for me.”



“Or, I should Β probably sayΒ babies to be more precise. You’ve probably already noticed, I’m showing quite a bit sooner than before, I guess double the usual occupancy. We had been trying for a while, almost for a year, and nothing had really been happening so we kinda stopped for a while. I guess it’s like that phrase, a watched dog never shits, you know?”

“I don’t think that’s the saying.”

“You get the point though, y’know? If you sit and wait for something to happen it won’t happen, so it’s kinda like when we stopped worrying about it, it happened. Twice. Kinda.”



“So, yeah. I guess that’s it. All caught up. I don’t think there’s much more to say really, apart from I’m happy to see you again. I have really missed you, but things have just been hectic. Hectic, but amazing. But, I’m going to get better at sharing things with you, being more frequent. I want to tell you my story as it happens.”


AN: So, I wanted to do a timeskip for two reasons

1.) This generation is getting really long, and I am somewhat concerned about still writing about Juniper when I’m 30, so I figured it’s probably best to speed stuff up slightly

2.) I was feeling kinda unmotivated to write all the stuff that happened above. Mostly because it all felt kinda filler-y and I don’t think it’d be all too exciting to read tbh. Just cheesy and fluffy

So, timeskip!

also 3.) I lost my main CC database so I have next to no clue what’s actually in my game, so I figured it’d be smart to get rid of at least all the furniture and build from the top again, you know? So, that’s what I’m gonna do. Also Melynx also inspired me when she redid up her sims’ house so I just wanna build and decorate and make a really cute house ^-^

I know some people may be disappointed by this time skip, but I wanted to do it, mostly because even though I love Juniper and Nick together, I want to speed this generation up slightly. I mean, I’ll have spent 2 years on it in October, and that’s a hella long time for one generation.

17 thoughts on “Chapter 3.46 Long Time

  1. Nice! Juniper’s cute that way, it’s funny how you made it look like she was somewhat awkwardly talking to the audience, heh.

    It sucks that you lost some of you CC but hey, it’s a sandbox game anyways and if you have your simmies that’s all you really need! Any excuse to rebuilt the house is a good one.

    I for one am happy for the timeskip, simply because you told so much of her and Nick’s story with premonitions that you’d have to rewrite in a new way and it could bog down the story some for you now when you probably want to write with a fresh set of eyes (although I don’t want them to fight I remember the story where June messed up his car because of suspected cheating and that may or may not be why every star Andrea discovers in my RLC now gets named ‘Drea’s Bitch’ lol). So I’m excited for their future together and the fluff is not minded at all honestly.

    By the way ATS3 has and ADORABLE tea set that I just found (I have no idea if it’s recolorable I haven’t used it yet in game)


    1. Yeah, that’s kinda the way I wanted it to seem, like she was explaining it instead of me explaining it all in the AN or something. It’s better hearing what happened from her, herself ^-^

      I didn’t lose the CC per se, I still have all of it, it actually happened quite a while ago, but I only have the merged packages so it means that I can’t really add anything new CC wise, and I don’t know exactly what I’ve got and everything’s just a bit of a mess, so I figured that ditching some of it (at least the furniture because that’s the biggest culprit) and rebuilding is best.

      I’m trying to recall when I mentioned the cheating thing, probably in an AN or something separate because I know I’ve never staged that bit. But no, I figured that’s already happened. In the timeline in my head, that happened very shortly after Aisling was born (I figure it was probably something to do with the house, like Nick wanted to surprise her doing that cheesy thing of buying and doing up the house she liked, but she got the wrong impression and thought he was cheating, that mixed with post-natal crazy hormones led her to be SUPER pissed off and destroy his car and nearly throw a good portion of his cameras off of their balcony which is on the 27th floor)

      With some of the premonitions, I do go back and write out what they said, however my ideas change very frequently so it always feels weird with some, rewriting some stuff. Like the way she confessed her psychic ability, I wish I didn’t use that as a premonition because it had to come true because it had to happen.

      I’m sorry to say that the fluff may not be as much as you’d like. They’re gonna have to go through some pretty tough things soon.

      Ha, yeah I have (or had, idk) that tea set. I used it in a past chapter, a long time ago, when Alyssa was in the city and picked out her wedding dress and had that *~episode~* in the bridal boutique. It is cute, it’s got a preset recolour that’s like white with pink flowers.


  2. All caught up again! Love the way you did the timeskip. ❀ I'm so glad that Juni and Nick seems happy together, and that all that awkward dancing around have stopped. Now they can be a proper, happy family, with no murdering husbands or self-centric walkaway-wives and yeah. Happy family! It's sweet how Lainey and Roisin still share a room, out of personal choice.

    Looking forward to seeing the girls as children and the new babies! Hopefully at least one of the twins will be a boy, because otherwise poor Nick will be drowning in estrogen!


    1. Yeah I’m happy that I did a time skip, otherwise I’d be bogged down with doing poses and stuff that I wasn’t inspired to do.

      Mhm, they’re happy together and there’s no awkward “are we aren’t we we’re just flirty friends” bs. No murdering, no walking out, just happy!

      Yeah, I feel like they tried their own rooms for about a week or two, and then just stayed in the same room since. They’re used to sharing a room and they prefer it.

      New babies and the girls ^-^ and yeah, three girls and another two possibly on the way… I’m pretty sure he’s hoping that at least one is a boy


  3. Time skips are so underappreciated. I LOVE a good time skip. Gets through the fluff, as you say, and makes things so much easier, works way better than drawing it out even to a full prose chapter. So time skip was a good move. Excited to meet the new babies though. Twins though. christ on a cracker. They are so outnumbered now haha. Like that show, but with more kids πŸ˜›
    A watched dog never shits. Love it. Well said. And very true *glares at my dog who refused to go outside because of the rain today*


    1. I like timeskips as long as they’re like well noted to be a time skip. I don’t like it when you’re just randomly thrown back in, it feels rather disorienting to me, which is why I added this li’l chapter in here.

      Yaaas new babies! With the twins, they’ll be up to five kids. Five kids in one house, jeeeeeeeeeez. Plus their youngest (Aisling) is under 5 so that’s three kids under the age of 5. Rather them than me πŸ˜‚

      See, I always thought it was a legit saying (well not legit but like “don’t let the bastards grind you down”) and then I said it and my friends just looked at me as if I had three heads or something. I always thought it was a phrase, turns out it’s not. I think it’s a mixture of a watched kettle never boils and does a bear shit in the woods. Dog’s there because dogs woof woof
      I’m still a li’l drunk and a li’l tired lmao

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I really like the way you did this timeskip. So nice to have Juniper explain it herself, even though you could have just said it in an AN, but this is just so much nicer. Also, I’m feeling kind of daft, but I’m wondering who she’s talking to. Are we supposed to know? I think it would be cool if she’s talking to Alyssa, because every girl needs her mom now and then.

    Omg, twins?! You’ve got another huge number of kids this generation! Good luck to you.

    Also, another fabulous makeover on June. Every new look of hers I think is the best so far.

    Oh, yeah, I nominated you for a memory lane challenge. It’s super fun. ^^

    Memory Lane Challenge


    1. I know I could have explained it in an AN, but I feel like this is nicer because it’s more personal I think?
      I kinda intended her to be like talking to the audience, but I like the idea of her talking to Alyssa (or maybe Melody as well? Although Melody isn’t a fan of coming back to our world for a chat)

      Mhm, huge number of kids… again. I don’t mind, I prefer having a full house over having like one child.

      I like this makeover too ^-^ it’s slightly softer than her previous look, but still her.

      Thank you ^-^ I’ll do it when I’m back home

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m not dissapointed at all! I think it’s a good way to get through all the filler-y stuff (which I would have loved reading, but I understand not wanting to write) and to progress the story. I’m glad things are going so well for Juniper and Nick! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ :D!


    1. I’m glad, I was worried people would be like “Carrie come on seriously you can’t be bothered to do even little filler chapters?” So it makes me happy everyone’s happy with it ^-^
      Even though I would have loved to do the filler stuff, I’d like to keep this generation under 100 chapters (which depending on who’s heir may actually be a challenge lmao)
      Things are going so well for them and it’s so nice because everything’s just working out and awwwwwwwwww ❀️


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